Tag Archives: nova episode

Ten Daily Consequences of Human Evolution (smithsonian.com)

13 Jul
Depiction of Evolution

Courtesy of smithsonian.com

I’m going to start traipsing through my Pocket favorites list, now that I finally have this site up and running. First up is a great (old) article at  smithsonian.com that details some of the more.. awkward consequences of our evolution.

The Top Ten Daily Consequences of Having Evolved

I think my personal favorite is that hiccups are a throwback to our water-dwelling ancestors. I could probably turn more than a few heads by yelling “I don’t have gills anymore!” at myself between hiccups.

These little evolutionary mishaps are a great argument against creationism. Why would a god create us with these flaws that have such obvious evolutionary explanations?

There’s also a great video with Richard Dawkins that helps explain the concept that evolution not only produces beauty and elegance, but it is also a remarkably imperfect mechanism:

If you’re hungry for more, check out this great NOVA episode that covers a lot about evolution: What Darwin Never Knew