Tag Archives: non-believer

Reconciling the Trinity, and Other Nonsense

16 Sep

It’s been a while, I know. Please enjoy this video, as a token of my sincerest apologies. Work has been trying to kill me!

Bill Nye the Anti-Creationism Guy

29 Aug

Watch the video. Trust me.

Here’s a synopsis:

  • Evolution denial is mostly unique to the United States, among the more technologically innovative nations.
  • When a portion of the population doesn’t believe in evolution (science), it holds the whole nation back.
  • Life science is strictly incomplete without evolution. Without evolution, explaining life becomes fantastically complicated. Without the idea of billion-year timescales, the universe itself is untenable.
  • Don’t indoctrinate your kids with creationism – we need scientific children to grow up and support our nation.
  • In a couple of centuries, Bill is confident that worldview won’t exist, because there’s no evidence for it.

I have to say, he manages to say this in a much friendlier manner than I can. Evolution deniers really anger me.

Religion as Tradition

26 Aug

Discover Magazine has posted a blog called “Why Science Can’t Replace Religion“.

It’s a foray into a common topic in the atheist world: is it really practical to abolish religion altogether?

Taken at face value, it is difficult for me to reach any conclusion aside from “no”. Aside from theories that religion has its origins in evolution, it is undeniably a salve for the weakness inherent to the human mind. If it disappeared, it seems likely that something equally irrational would take its place.

For my part, I seek to eliminate religious, spiritual and mystical impact on government, law and social morality. I feel this is still an impossible goal, but at least a more appropriate one, and one that could be more fully accomplished.

Anyway – check out the article. It’s a short read.

P.S. Again, my apologies for my relative silence. I am wading through an exceptionally busy period at my job. Once that clears up, I should be posting more often.

Mr. Deity Discusses Marriage

17 Aug

So, I love Mr. Deity, and I love this latest video. It’s no secret that LGBT rights are near and dear to my heart, and I feel strongly support of atheism in part because I know one can’t logically support bigotry.

Enjoy it, and check out his other videos!

Religion’s Greatest Ally: Death

13 Aug

What is the purpose of religion? By what virtue does it survive?

This (incredibly soft-spoken) video addresses one of the most common thoughts I’ve had about religion: it exists because we die, and as conscious beings, we have a very hard time comprehending an end to what we are.

And how do we respond to something we don’t understand? Fear.

The video considers one of the most fundamental conflicts of denying death via religion: other religions force you to question your own. When that happens, it causes anger, confusion, doubt – all of which lead to the kinds of atrocities we see committed by religion on a daily basis.

It’s a great watch, check it out!

The Logistics of Noah’s Ark

3 Aug

You know, I had honestly never considered this. Aside even from the sheer number of creatures you’d have to get on a single boat (under the assumption that species don’t evolve and branch off), there’s also a lot of awkwardness to the logistics:

  • Many creatures eat or kill other creatures.
  • Many creatures have significant climate requirements.
  • Parasites, viruses, bacteria, etc.. are all, in a sense, “creatures”.
  • Bees die when they sting you.

Anyway, this entire video is pretty hilarious. There’s a part 2, as well.

Relativistic Baseball (xkcd.com)

2 Aug

XKCD has started up an awesome new “comic” called “What If?”. The first post answers a question that we’ve all wondered at one point or another: What would happen if I threw a baseball at 90% of the speed of light?

It’s a hilarious read; informative, too. I’m confident I’ll be enjoying this new XKCD format.


Chick-fil-a’s Hypocrisy

31 Jul

This is an excellent summary / rant of why Chick-fil-a is wrong.


How to suck at your religion (theoatmeal.com)

26 Jul

How to suck at your religion (theoatmeal.com

The Oatmeal is probably my favorite comic strip. Their latest strip How to suck at your religion is wonderful, and you should go check it out!


Dan Cathy Doesn’t Know When to Quit

24 Jul

Honestly, he just can’t take a hint. Relics like this need to disappear.